Living Water 活泉家庭團契
聚會時間:週五 Friday 7:30 – 9:00pm
聚會地點:線上聚會 Online Zoom Meeting
2023 年團契的目標:“說勸勉、安慰、造就的話;行榮神、益人、捨己的事”
Our goal is to speak words that encourage, comfort, and strengthen, and to do works that glorify God, benefit people, and deny oneself. Our group is geared for Mandarin speakers.
UCSB Chinese Christian Fellowship 华人校园团契
By God’s grace, UCSB Chinese Christian Fellowship was established in March 2006. We hope the fellowship can help oversea Chinese in the area to find a home, make friends, and more importantly, come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and become a member of the family of the eternal God.
Currently the fellowship has mainly students, scholars, and their family members from mainland China. This is a group of energetic brothers and sisters who are committed to make the name of the Lord Jesus Christ known to Chinese and focus on proclaiming the gospel and discipling new believers.
Our mission is spreading the Gospel on the UCSB campus, building each other up in God’s love, and growing together through serving the Lord.
Bible Study
When | Fridays, 6:30pm-9:30pm
Where | Community Covenant Church of Goleta
5070 Cathedral Oaks Road, Goleta, CA 93111
What | Potluck dinner, worship, Bible study, sharing, and refreshments
Contact Mian Wang | (646) 241-7178